Laser Hair Removal- Tiny Scabs/ Hairline Scratches After

Hi All,

I just had a 4th session of Laser Hair Removal done yesterday on my lower arms and legs. I noticed after that I had all these hairline scratches and tiny scabs extending from my hair follicles. I have never had this happen before.

I sent the attached pictures to the clinic this morning and they responded that the reaction I experienced sometimes does happen and to apply Aloe and 1% hydrocortisone cream to the irritated areas.

I am not 100% buying this. I could tell that the tech who did my laser session yesterday was new as it took her about 10 mins just to set up. I think she might have help the tip of the device too close to my skin or something.

May I please get other’s input? I would greatly appreciate it.

Majority of my clients only require 4 LHR treatments within initial 2-yr course to have more than 85-95% permanent hair reduction! Few clients needed 5 sessions. Only 1 client had 6 treatments. Done & Dust.

No more shaving and be hair free!