It doesn’t sound like your IPL treatments were effective, so you’d be starting from (almost) scratch no matter what as if you’ve basically never had any treatments.
The more important question is how old are you? What is your goal for these treatments? Are you prepared for touchups later on on NEW hair that your body will develop? What does the rest of your facial hair look like right now? If you’re young and it’s just starting to grow in, you need to make sure you don’t create patchiness.
Male facial hair is difficult to treat. You need someone not only with a better machine, like alexandrite type instead of IPL, but ALSO a clinic that has serious experience in treating this area specifically.
6 weeks apart is likely too frequent to have treatments. Generally, you should experience shedding of all treated hair. Once the new hair appears, it’s time to treat again, which is usually at 8 weeks or so. If you’re not experiencing shedding within 3 weeks of treatment, you’re likely not affecting the hair and in that case it doesn’t matter how many treatments you’re having since they’re not doing anything.
Where are you leaving? Is there a way to continue treatments there?
You can technically get a treamtent, but you likely only have time for 2. If they’re effective, they will get rid of a good amount, but you still will have plenty of hair left since you need at least 5-6 treatments spaced 8-12 weeks apart. If you’ll be satisfied with a partial reduction for now, which will make it easier to shave, then it may be worth it. It’s up to you.