Laser hair removal in Sydney Australia

Can anyone recommend anywhere good in Sydney Australia to have Laser Hair Removal?

Run a search here. There have been recommendations on the forum in the past.

Hi LA girl I am a 28 year old male looking for LHR around Sydney. My skin type is probably closest to an indian complexion. Could you please advise which laser you would recommend for me to use for my specific skin type. My hair ranges from coarse hair to light terminal hair. Your help would be greatly appreciated as I was considering using a Alexander laser but am not sure anymore as this may not be the correct laser for my skin colour.

Also could you please recommend if I should have my treatments done at a professional clinic or from a dermatologist that performs laser? Im really not sure???

Please read the FAQs at the link below. I wrote them and it answers all your questions.

You need an ND:Yag type of laser and you should ONLY treat patches of coarse dense hair. Finer hair won’t be affected and can actually be stimulated to become worse if treated.

FAQs addresses the dermatologist question. It doesn’t matter as long as the actual person treating you has lots of experience in actually using hair removal lasers (many MDs don’t, actually).

Sorry LAgirl I just wanted to clarify if you suggest I use ND:Yag type of Laser for my dark skin colour or do I use it for thick and light hair? I am just having a bit of a dilemma as all the experienced laser hair removal in Sydney use Alexander Laser. Do you think I would be better to have treatment by someone with experience using a Alexander Laser or less experience using a ND:YAG laser???

Sorry just wanted to make sure as I have no idea.

Laser only works on dark dense coarse hair. So for that hair, you need an ND:Yag laser if your skin is darker. Alexandrite laser is only for pale skin. Please read the FAQs I wrote in the link below, which explains this.

For any light or finer hair, only electrolysis works, not laser.