Laser Hair Reduction on legs

I am seeking opinion on reduction on my legs area.

Attached is a picture of my legs.

Based on my skin colour, would I be able to be treated with an Alexandrite laser (GentleLASE)and achieve a reduction of at least 70% ?

I am an Asian, North Indian. I have no idea of my skin type.
Hairs are black and coarse.

Any input by forum members is appreciated.

Thank you.

qwerty Attachments


You appear to be light enough for Alexandrite laser and hair is dark and coarse enough. But no one can guarantee or accurately tell how much reduction you should expect. If the tech knows uses proper, high settings then your chances of good reduction increase. If tech doesn’t have the skill and training to use high settings, then your chances are lower.
Only good thing to say is that laser responds well on leg hair compared to other areas of the body.

Fenix is right, no one can accurately tell you how much reduction you will get with laser.
Moreover, if your skin is type III o IV, the technician can not use high settings because of the risk of skin burn laser induced.
(the laser energy will target the melanina of the skin.

However, you could get some hair density reduction with regularly laser sessions (every 6 or 8 weeks). Lower legs use to respond well to laser if the technician proprely use the right settings.

some of the laser hair removals are not suitable for dark or tanned colored skin.your skin also that kind of make sure to use matching one for your personal use. It was safe than you are having treatment from the saloon.