I’ve been having laser hair removal done for about a year now and have had some great results mostly. But I have a question about induced hair growth on my back.
The history of my treatments is 5 on my back, about 6-8 weeks apart.
I’ve also had two to legs/buttocks (about 60/70% reduction, very impressed) and one to arms/hands (about the same, amazing results).
On my back, I had two patches of pretty coarse hair, centre of lower and upper back. These were treated 3-4 times, before I had the whole back done because the tech wanted to cover the entire area.
Now after these last 1 or 2 whole back, it seems that all the coarse hair is gone for good (in fact, I reckon it was gone after the 3rd), but the finer hairs seem to have been stimulated and are now evenly grown all over, but mainly at the sides.
So my question is, will continued treatments be effective at removing those new ones too? They have colour and are maybe up to 1 cm long. So that’s not the vellus type, right? And even if it is, are they still treatable?
ps Tried to take some pics, but they’re not very good (see attached).