Hi All!
I underwent 8 sessions of laser and the doc that did the laser told me that vellus hairs will go. Long story short I have TONS of new growth all over my face- chin cheeks everywhere. Then I went to get electrolysis done and got hyperpig, zits and scabs at every entry point. My face is TORN UP. Does electrolysis cause this commonly on the face? or was my practitioner just not skilled? also is anyone willing to be a partner through this journey together? I need a friend to commiserate with during this long grueling process of electrolysis.
If you have an olive skintone, such as arabic, indian or pakistani and the laser practitioner did not advise you that paradoxal laser hair stimulation of velus hair might occur, you should seek the counsel of a consumer advocate and consider litigation against the laser practitioner responsible.
I cant comment on your face being “tore up” because I dont know to many details regarding treatment, what the electrologist was having to remove, nor anything about the treatment. A picture would help, if you have both before and after pictures, but without that and with too little information I cannot advise you at all.
i thought about that but honestly i am so embarrassed by my hair that i need to fix that first. I don’t want to give away my identity. In middle eastern, indian skin is it common to get the hyperpig. are there products you recommend using to prevent or treat the hyperpig due to electrolysis and the zits and scabs? i know i need to do electrolysis but i don’t want my skin ruined.
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