We professionals are use to this treatment. It happens all the time.
It means more to these people when normal folks like you call them on the carpet for their outright lies and distortions. They know they are telling a bald faced damn lie. They got paid to do so. If enough regular people call their credibility in question for saying such an easily disprovable statement with no fact checking, they may think twice before they take the money and print again.
Oprah’s “O” magazine did a similar hatchet job this spring after having had FIVE long interviews with the Executive Director of The American Electrology Association. They printed all her quotes in such a way as to say she must be lying, and concluded the electrolysis section with a paragraph quoting a practitioner of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation giving his take on what you should think about electrolysis. They don’t care what those who know have to say about it. They don’t care that I have never had a woman’s upper lip that took me more than a year to clear. I have clients who have posted on here that I finished them in 9 months for such areas.
They don’t care that some electrologists are good enough to provide services that are “Pretty close to painless” and always permanent with the co-operation of the client.
What they will care about is if people who read their rag tell them that they want a retraction or they will cancel subscriptions, and never trust a single thing they say again, from cleansers to the hot new fashion colors, since they obviously just print what ever any one pays them to say.
Give it a try:
Lucky Magazine
4, Times Square, 8th Floor
New York - 10036, United States of America
“O” The Oprah Magazine
1700 Broadway, 38th floor
New York, New York 10019
212 903-5366