I’ve had two laser treatments on my underarms and bikini area (going for my third next week). I’m probably about a II-III on the Fitzpatrick scale and have been using a Yag. I know it’s not the BEST laser to use on my skin type, but I’m seeing good results so far and I’m incredibly comfortable with my tech. Presently I’d say only about 50% of the hair has grown back. We’ll see what my long term results are…
Until I started the laser I didn’t realize just how much blonde hair I have in those areas. The majority of it is dark and is reacting to the laser, but we all know that it won’t do a thing for the blonde hairs. (There’s probably 1 blonde hair to every 20 dark). I’d like to have electrolysis done to the blonde hair to get rid of that, but is it safe to do it at the same time as the laser? Could I go for laser one week and electrolysis the next? I’d be sure to to tell the tech not to touch the dark hair and only treat the blonde so I’m not wasting any time and money…
Also, anyone know of a good electrologist in the Milwaukee, WI area?
Thanks in advance. I’ve been lurking for some time and have learned a lot from you guys.