I want to comment on the lack of warning that Laser surgery gives regarding the fact that it often permanently destroys the sweat glands where Laser hair removal is performed. After doing much online research I went for a short consultation on Laser hair removal and as an afterthought I asked about the sweat glands and how they would be affected by such a procedure. The technician smiled and said, “oh usually they are damaged, but don’t worry you have plenty of sweat glands all over your body and it’s great because if you Laser your underarms you don’t have to use deodorant.” I was horrified by this and also by the fact that this information is rarely shared up front. Though we have sweat glands all over our body we have three different types, one type in particular is largely located in the underarm area. I am concerned about any long ranging effects from being unable to sweat from all of these three types of glands and I find it hard to believe that it is “no problem” as the technician said. What are the long range effects and why isn’t this being talked about in regards to a women’s long term health (i.e. relationship with lymph nodes, toxin release, overall purification)?
Just because something such as hair or sweating is inconvenient doesn’t mean that is unnecessary. I would strongly caution women to look to other hair removal techniques that cannot permanently damage your glands!