I have had a problem with facial hair since I was 24. I recently gave birth and the problem became even more pronounced then before. After some research, I have decided to try Laser treatments (Light Sheer). I have had my first treatment 4 days ago, and the hair on my chin is back, I can’t even say if it had diminished in quantity, since for the last five years I have been plucking it every day, so I really never saw all the existing hair at once. Anyway, I understand that plucking is out of the question if I want to continue laser treatments and get rid off this hair for good. My laser practitioner told me that I can shave, but shaving does not give the smooth texture on the skin, and even after I apply make up, you can still see bumps.
I was wondering if I could do electrolysis treatments in between the laser ones. I am suppose to have a laser treatment every 6 weeks, so I was thinking to do electrolysis somewhere up to the fifth week, and let the hair grow for a week, maybe 10 days, before the scheduled laser treatment. Am I going to speed up the results by combing those two methods?
Another question, I bought a package from my Laser center, 6 treatments of the chin for $720, and if I conclude the whole treatment as suggested, spaced no less then 6 weeks, and no more then 10, I am given a written guarantee that my hair will not come back for two years, and if it does, I will get treated for free during those two years. They have the same package for the upper lip priced at $ 500.00. Are these good prices?
Thank you.