I’ve been thinking about laser hair removal for a few years to get rid of some unsighly hair growth on my shoulders and upper back. Thankfully, it’s not very thick, but enough to be self-conscious about. Anyway, I’ve been visiting this site’s boards infrequently over the past few years. I have yet to find a post about any male reporting their long term success with laser hair removal on a large part of the body (ie back, chest, shoulders, upper arms). It’s always the same thing; stories of people who are in the process of treatment. I have, however, read stories of people who have had the treatments done, only to gain more hair growth. This really gives little confidence in laser hair removal. Are there any real-life examples of laser hair removal working for long term hair removal (or at least significant reduction)? I’ve researched and come up with nothing.
Search for ‘RCJ2001’ posts. He has had LASER on several body areas and reports satisfaction. The shoulders and uppper back may be one of the areas he has treated, I can’t recall???
He also used electrolysis in combination with LASER. He started with LASER, then finished with electrolysis mainly because he had lighter hairs that he wanted off as well. We all know that LASER cannot affect lighter hair.
For what you describe, electrolysis can handle this area. It’s all comes down to who you choose to use. If you wax or shave prior to the first treatment, then you’d be off to a good start, as the electrologist can then treat anagen hairs for the most part,and that is an ideal situation.
If you start with LASER, make sure it is a quality LASER with an experienced tech.
several things you need to consider
most people look for forums BEFORE they start treatments or AFTER they DIDN’T get results or had problems to find a resolution. The only people who actually care to report back are those who learned a lot here beforehand (that’s already very few people as those are the ones who do research before they start something) and remember to take the time to come back. Given that, like Dee pointed out, RC2001 is one of those people. Look for his posts. NoHair is another who had his back treated. If you want a comprehensive overview of everyone who’s posted good results, check this post where I keep track of them: http://cosmeticenhancementsforum.com/for…f7af7bbb36be59a
These areas is hard to treat on males. If you don’t have dense coarse hair there, I would go with electrolysis right away on these specific areas.
You can look up my posts as well. I found this sight at the start of my treatments in Jan 2006. I’ve asked just about every question you can think of…I hope. Good luck.
Thanks folks. Looks like there are examples of success stories after all. I still have a lot to learn.
Grumpy, seems like you’re not pleased with the results. Have you considered lightsheer laser treatments?
it’s not about the laser. GentleLASE is usually best on light skin. LightSheer takes more experience on the tech’s part too, I wouldn’t trust many people doing it right with appropriate settings. The problem for grumpy as I mentioned before is that this area is stimulated by hormones and harder to treat, usually requiring more treatments and electrolysis after. If there isn’t a lot of dense coarse hair, I would start with electrolysis right away. Othewise, laser can help thin it out before doing electrolysis.
To be honest-
I have days where I feel it’s been worth the emotional rollercoaster and other days where I am so frustrated and just disgusted by the whole process.
I have not considered Lightshear. I have considered Gentlelase but cannot find one in Minnesota.
I have had only 5 treatments and everyone says to do more. I will report my progress up to 10 treatments and then I’m calling it quits.
Just a note-I started with dark coarse hair on shoulders/upper arms as well as flanks of back. I believe I am a perfect candidate for laser so we’ll see.
Feel free to ask any questions as you get more into the process. I am not pro or con laser, just someone going through the ordeal. I am also not a so called expert but have been trained in healthcare and carry the Doctor title…but that really won’t help much with getting rid of hair. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
good luck to you. i wouldn’t go past 10 treatments either. i think at that point, you would definitely know when you’ve reached diminishing returns. i hope you can get treated at pretty high settings (spot size and joules) for the remainder of your treatments, and hopefully it will at least thin it out enough for a relatively quick finish with electrolysis if you’re looking for 100%.
have you checked out the GentleLASE provider search on the manufacturer’s website? (Candela corporation)
I’m still in the middle of stuff, so it’s hard to give a testamonial. I began having this done in October of 2005. I’m female.
Upper lip. Still have hair returning.
Chin: Most hair gone, still a few stragglers.
Neck: The ugly dark circle of hair appears to be gone. Maybe two or three fair hairs are left. I’m VERY satisfied with this result, as it is what brought me to laser to begin with. I had to shave that half-dollar sized bit daily.
Underarms. Just had third treatment. Much hair is already gone and that that has grown is not so dark and is finer. So far, I’m pleased with this.
I have another year of underarm treatment to go. I am going for hair around the bellybutton (due to surgical shaving) and bikini line/private area hair removal next. So obviously I’m at least partially satisfied with the results.
For what I originally went in for (the neck hair), laser did the job.
I’ll get back to you next year on progress on the rest, when I know for sure how effective it all was. But - so far, so good.
Back in 2000 when I didn’t know a thing about hair removal, I ran across a place that was just starting to use the GentleLase laser. My back and shoulders were not extremely thick with hair, but I had 6 sessions and it has worked extremely well. There’s about a half dozen hairs that I have to pluck now and then, but I don’t think anyone would call my back hairy at this point. I would definitely call it long term success.