Kudo's for Josepha, tweezerless Electrolysis

Today I spent a good chunk of my afternoon in a 2 hour session on a client I had worked on maybe 3 times prior, each time had been on the front of her legs, today it was the back side I was working on. All leg work, knee to ankle.At one point around the end of the first hour, for some reason rather than swapping my tweezers and probe, I instead reached with my fingers and pulled the hair I had just treated, reasoning it was easier than swapping in the tweezers to do it. Not all the hairs were grown out that much, but most were.

I’ve seen Josepha extract hair this way on video, a million times over I’m sure. In fact only in about half the videos she does does she ever touch a pair of tweezers. I always thought my fingers too course to get away with this, without pulling out a couple adjoining hairs. It was the end of my first hour, and so I paused for a minute or so, before starting the other leg.

For reasons still unknown to me, I got maybe 3 hairs into the other leg before I put my tweezers down, and decided to see if my success on the last few hairs of the first leg, was repeatable. The second hour I spent entirely tweezerless. It was only when I was almost finished, that it occurred to me, I should catch some of this on video! I was already well and truly impressed with the increased speed and ease with which I was able to work, using this method. IF I did happen to grab another hair, it slipped out of my glove, undisturbed no harm done, however the treated hair slid out effortlessly. By the time I finished the second hour, I realized I had treated 1 1/2 to 2 times the area I had on the first leg.

So Josepha, this kudo is for you, you taught this old girl a new trick, without even trying. I did in fact manage to catch a few minutes of this on video, although, my "video " equipment comprised of my cell phone sitting on top of my magnifier. It had the regrettable effect of causing me to have inaccurate insertions because I was trying to look through the side of my magnifier lens ( around the cell phone) to epilate the hairs, but I think it was still good enough to post. It will likely be the morning before the upload completes, but I’ll post a link when it’s finished.

I think even the most junior of electrologists could find this method useful. I learned that the hair did not have to be that long to grab if it had been treated with enough energy. To be sure however, I found my efficiency was almost double. I also found later in the session that using my non-dominant hand to do the pulling, increased efficiency even more.

I have no idea why I never tried this before. Maybe I just never had hairs long enough?




This video is full of mistakes. It was filmed extremely spur of the moment with no equipment to speak of. Positioning is easy to take care of when you are working without these limitations. If I ever film another session, it will be with the aid of a person to aim the camera, so I can concentrate on the work. The objective however was to show how easily the hairs released and the effect that had on efficiency. As noted a few times I was trying to view around my cell phone, so through the side of the magnifier. We are looking at getting good equipment for filming so it doesnt interfere with treatment.

Ready for the next step, Seana?! The Multiple Harvesting Technique :wink:

It was complete fluke I tried this at all, its not often I have a client walk in with hairs long enough to pull this off. I’ve done some multiples with the tweezers thugh, acually I do that quite often. It really sucked doing this demonstation though because I dont know if I got the efficiency while trying to work around the eyesight ( or lack there of) . If I do any more filming, it will have to be thought out so as not to interfere with the treatment so much. Still it was a fun experiment, and definitely worth doing again. I can see where treating 5 or so hairs then pulling them at once would increase efficiency that much more but I would have to think through how to record it, because plopping your cell phone on top of your only vision aid is…problematic. I heavily debated posting it at all, but as my partner had wanted to see, I decided to do so. I’m normally much more picky about positioning and vision. Parts of this video just come across as sloppy.I really liked how the treated hairs slid out and left the untreated ones behind.

Actually now that you mention it, I might take that up as a challenge and make that a video next, though plan it out better than " lets see if throwing my cell phone on my circle lamp works". I really hope this client doesnt decide to trim her hairs in the next few weeks:)