Know more about the Best Lengthening Mascara

Having long lashes is a symbol of femininity. It had been popular since the days of Cleopatra, when they are using kohl to make their lashes look longer. Nowadays, women use some of the best mascaras just to have long lashes.

Mascara is a cosmetic that is used to enhance the eyes. Some of the best mascaras may darken, thicken and lengthen eyelashes. These define a lash mascaras can be in liquid, cake, or cream form, and most contain the same basic components of pigments, oils, waxes, and preservatives.

Lash lengthening mascara can give you a more natural look than just using the best mascara for volume. The latter, though it can thicken your lashes there is a possibility for it to look as if the lashes are too heavy. That is why the use of lengthening mascara is more common that using a thickening mascara. If given the choice between volume and length mascara, a lot of people will go for length. 

So how do you apply mascara that lengthens eyelashes? First you have to use the best mascara for short lashes. You may visit Boutiqueken for wide array of the best mascaras. If you already have the best lengthening mascara, you can start prepping your eyelashes. Use a curler for more defined lashes. Start by removing the wand from the tubing. You have to look up to lift your lashes but make sure that you could still be able to see yourself in the mirror out of your peripheral vision. Then place the mascara wand against the base of your lashes and gently swipe it on your lashes back and forth. Move to your other eye and apply second coat. There you have it, a lengthy lash that can make you look as lovely as Cleopatra.

You can purchase the best mascara for short lashes at , they offer the best mascaras for your eye lashes, so visit their website now.