Know any products to make hair grow back slower, lighter, &thinner?


I am going away for the summer and getting a bikini wax before I go. I prefer not to shave my bikini line as it is much less effective, causes razor bumps, and doesn’t last as long as waxing. I’m going to be gone for 5 weeks without access to a waxing salon and really don’t want to deal with having to shave my bikini line all the time and getting razor bumps too. I was hoping someone might know a product that I could use after getting a bikini wax (hopefully something stronger than Jergens naturally smooth shave minimizing lotion.)I called my dermatologist who recommended I try Vaniqa, however, it’s apparently only for facial hair. Anyone know something that works for bikini lines? Thanks!

I’ve heard that applying olive oil immediatly after waxing and leaving it for a couple of hours will reduce the hair growth, the hair will also take longer time to grow and will grow out finer. Some people apply it only for a couple of hours after waxing, while others also apply it once or twice each day for a week like a “body lotion”.

you can use Vaniqa anywhere. Why not? That’s the only thing I’ve read here that people had any type of success with. Otherwire, depilatory cream?