Hey guys,
I had electrolysis for the first time with the epic (redacted…please do not use names here, thanks, Moderator) on my thigh. It hurt bad but was tolerable (I have high tolerance tho). I got red crusts after and the whole area was sore but a few days later it calmed down, crusts fell off and I was left with just hyperpigmentation/postinflammatory erythema (I’m not sure which one it is since I got white skin but in any case it’s red/purplish dots). Well, it was bumpy then too and honestly looked pretty scary/ugly (like tons of red/purple raised bumps close together). I even got some painful acne cysts in the area from the irritation. Basically my skin had been properly assaulted.
That would all be well. It’s been a month now and I know the PIH is going to go away eventually. But I’m kinda worried about the somewhat bumpy texture… The whole reason I did electrolysis was to get smooth skin and now I’m worried I maybe got like the pebbles Bono spoke of?
TLDR: Basically is it normal to have bumps (NOT from ingrowns or kp) 1 month after my first electrolysis (which felt pretty hardcore) and will they go away? Could they be evil pebbles? Thank youuuuuuu