Kansas City Electrolysis

I think I have decided to try electrolysis this winter. I don’t have alot of money to spend. $2000 bucks max probably. I’m looking to get my arms above the elbow done, to the delts and shoulders and parts of the neck. If I get a good electrolysis could it be feasable for me to get almost completely hair free for 2000 dollars on these regions? What time frame am I looking at?

Additionally if anybody knows any good electrolysis in the Kansas City area please let me know!

Thank you guys

If you get the areas CLEARED once a month for 9 months, you will have significantly less hair over the winter, but you will probably not be completely done. Will 2 thousand cover it? It depends upon how dense the hair growth is. If an hour of treatment will clear all those areas, then you will have money left over. If it takes 4 hours to clear the area the first time then you might spend the whole amount during your winter project.

Factors that you should be aware of in completing your project include your age and your genetics. Men often start seeing more hair growth in their 30’s and 40’s - especially if they are genetically inclined to growing it. What kind of body hair do other men in your family have at your age and older? I would also imagine that any muscle enhancing drugs would result in new hair growth, too.

None of that is to say that your electrology treatments won’t be successful. I have a client who has taken dilantin for epilepsy for over 30 years. A side effect of dilantin is hair growth. His whole body is covered with hair, well except for his back - now. He comes in about 4 times a year to have me look for hair on his back. I spend more time looking than treating!

Regarding electrologists in the Kansas City area. Missouri is an unlicensed state, so I would recommend going to the Kansas side since electrologists there are licensed. Visit www.kansaselectrologists.com for a list of electrologists in the KC area.

Best to you!

Thank you for that link Barbara, I am also in the KCMO area and looking for someone to go to soon.

Unfortunately your practice is 2 hours away from me! Sorry!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

There used to be an electrologist on the Missouri side who (I think) was licensed in Kansas. Her name is Melynda Little. I don’t know anyone who has gone to her, but I do know that she has attended some continuing education. You might look for her. I am thinking that she may be retired, but perhaps if you found her she might recommend someone in Missouri.

It is my personal belief that most of the professional electrologists who post here don’t post to get new clients, but post here to help consumers to choose wisely. I also believe that we (the electrologists) can learn things here, too!

The magnet that keeps pulling me here to hairtell is the consumer. I have to agree with you Barbara, that I learn so much about hair removal just by reading about consumer experiences. These people come here with such honesty and are willing to ask and learn and then report back about their experiences.

Hairtell helps us feel the pulse of the hair removal client, which in turn can make us better practitioners.

I’ll just add that most of my clients come from the central Ohio area. I’ve only had four clients come from farther away, that had noticed my posts on hairtell. For these long distance runners, I encourage them to find someone closer to them as they will need a series of treatments and will need to stay loyal to a prescribed schedule. There are many fabulous practitioners out there that can handle their hair removal needs.

So, basically, I’m a very, very selfish person. The hair removal consumer on hairtell serves my needs much more than I could possibly ever serve their needs. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
