Just got laser done and still hair left!

hi all…

i got my bikini like done this saturday (lightsheer diode) at a very reputable place with great reviews. Today (monday) there are still many hairs just visible on the surface… some of them just fall right out but the majority offer resistance when pulled with a tweezer (i do not pull them out). im really worried about this :confused:

Does this mean the laser was not effective on those hairs? too early to tell? Should i be calling the technician and ask if this is a problem?

Any advice would be really appreciated. thank you!

It’s too early to tell. Hair generally starts shedding 1-2 weeks after treatment and is complete by week 3. Until it sheds, it will appear to be growing, although at a slower rate than usual. If nothing is happening in 2 weeks, give them a call. You can speed up shedding by not shaving and exfoliating regularly.

You need to be patient and wait 3 weeks for shedding to complete. It often doesn’t start until week 1.5.

It wouldn’t hurt for you to find out settings used. What is your skin type?

ok thanks for all the responses…!!

i guess i just thought the hair would fall out once it pretty much reached the surface… i have hairs that still seem to be growing and are stuck in.

I will try to be patient :slight_smile:

btw i have fair skin and dark course hair…

Please read our FAQs at the link below. “Fair” is a relative term. There is a Fitzpatrick chart that classifies skin types.