Just got an old one touch system — safe?


I just bought a one-touch system but the box says it is from 1991. They said it was new, but the box was open. I have never done diy electrolysis, and I’m only doing this because it has been a surprising challenge getting electrolysis covered in the bay. I have done, gosh, probably between 100 and 200 hours of electrolysis professionally, but now I don’t seem to have any option to get it covered for who knows how long, and I’ve been trying for about a year up here, so here we are. I’m just wondering if this system is even okay to use since it is like 30 years old at this point. I’m guessing i should disinfect it first— would just like alcohol pads or hand sanitizer work? Thanks so much! I’m a trans and I need to get the little strays off which have been coming back more than I’m comfortable with.



Good luck. I think you will end up frustrated with this archaic equipment, but it may be just what you need.

To be honest, I don’t think the one touch has changed at all since 1991. It’s a very simple device. As long as it looks in good condition with no corrosion or damage, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as well as the current models.

Your biggest challenge will be using the machine, which is challenging with newer models as well. I’d definitely set up a sponge foot pedal - it will make your life much easier.

Personally I like the one touch. It is finicky to use but it does work. Be open to some minor scarring as it can easily happen. Doesn’t really bother me but it is not acceptable to everyone

You comments are correct. DC treatments have changed little over the past 100-years. I still think making your own unit would be WAY better and cheaper. I already have all the components to show how to do this: with a DC meter and “pot” (up-down dial), power supply: a simple 9V battery. Add to it a real needle cord (and use real needles) and you would have a legitimate unit for less than $50.

You are also right about potential scar formation. DC-Galvanic creates a somewhat consistent column of destruction that can, later, be seen as a tiny white dot. (Hinkel often remarked about this: “If you stretch the skin, you can sometimes see the tiny white dots.”)

Thermolysis, by contrast and done correctly, keeps the destruction below the visible skin. Actually, Thermolysis can be the best treatment and, because of the potential for misuse, the worst treatment. That’s probably why you don’t see DIY Thermolysis units generally promoted?

Totally off subject, but I finally made the papers! That’s me in the photo a couple night ago … just before our (ocean) Christmas parade. Yeah, I’m “feeling the spirit” … hope you are too.

Sir, did you post a tutorial on how to make the DIY electrolysis device somewhere? Thank you.

Gyan he didnt.

But honestly, DIY yourself i mean with Electrolysis. Let say if you would Treat , Easy Areas , to reach/work on it. You cant do much wrong.

But this Clean&Easy Machines are trash, i mean remove some Hairs with it, its fine. But you need to long for remove 1 Hair ,proparly go 2 times or 3 times inside your hairfolice.

Better even if its just a Thermolysis machine invest like 500 Dollar- <1500 in a Machine and you have more fun with it, also for 1000-1200 you can get galavanic… fake blend one.

I mean for example you would remove hairs , like PUBES one. You could buy/get a Magnefinc lamp with zoom like 3-5-10 times, what work best for you.

But basicly , you cant do so much Wrong.

  1. You should work clean, get something to kill baceteries , like spray. Put it over your treated Area. Even maybe to clean your needle , get 100% Alcohol to be steril. Use/get Latex 1 time gloves .

  2. by A Good Machine you should try , Strength 2,5 Out to Start , look how it work. How Painful /good it is for you. Even your Hairs get removed or not. Settings arround 3,5 (arround) should be mostly fine . More as 5 isnt necessry, in most cases.

  3. Look how the Hair growth /comes out, like this you should put the needle inside. Go with the neelde inside with the right angle.

  4. Use Footpedal/Button on needleholder , if you feel there happen something with you Hair. Even by laser you feel , your hairs get destroyed, sounds like popping, popcorn.

  5. Use a Tweezer , try get the treated hair out .BUT Careful , if it dont come out easily ,stop it. Treat the Hair again. And if it come out easily , your hair get treated perfectly.

by Electrolysis Machines , by some exist Hard differents.
I mean some Machiens /Brands , are very complicated . Like you need knownledge .

It exist machine like more simple, like i told with strength. You cant do there so much wrong.
For example if you google for a : Silhoutte EPIL 100 (Pure thermolysis machine), it have no timer.
But just intensity 1-10 , its simple.

But with Galavanic… Fake BlEND… Real Blend… and this mah… and more complicated stuff , should tell you a professinal electroylsis one.

Also in 2 Cases , i would SAY Forget to do DIY /Electrolysis

  1. If you have not a Quiet hand , like you move your hand too much , you scar yourself this way .

  2. If you have a Very low Pain tolerance… but in this way i would so long you have no Grey/white/blonde hairs , better say go laser , its some painful too. But treatments need n ot this long.

Clean&Easy Machines are trash

Sorry M_K but I really disagree with you. Don’t get me wrong, it’s FAR from a perfect machine. It can be difficult to use. But if you push through the learning curve, it does work.

I cleared my face in about 8 months for $70 or whatever I paid for the One-Touch plus a pack of batteries. I’d guess I spent a total of 25 hours? Possibly more. Prior to that, I spent hundreds on laser and thousands on electrolysis over about 15 years. The laser results were temporary (and the treatment was extremely painful). And despite all the electrolysis, I never had noticeable results (and I did my best to find the best practitioners in my city, I tried more than one, and I could usually feel the hairs releasing properly) as in, I felt like I always had facial hair. Either a couple strands that they missed, or the ones growing out while I awaited the next treatment.

Which isn’t to pay professional electrolysis is bad! I don’t really know why my results were poor - I imagine it’s because I was in a phase of my life where I had a lot of “new” terminal hairs popping up, and because with professional services, I could only afford to go once a month and sometimes I couldn’t afford to go for months at a time, and perhaps some of the service providers weren’t doing it properly. And personally, I found it inconvenient to have to make the appointments, wait for the hair to grow out, go to the appointment, lie there for an hour etc.

The experience of doing it at home in my PJs while watching tv, as often as I wanted and for as long as I wanted, vastly outweighed any initial difficulties I had using the machine. I also appreciate how tiny the machine is. Crucial to note, I could not have done it without the foot pedal modification.

So while it’s not for everyone, it does work, and it works really well if you do a bit of research and understand what the experience of using it will be like. I have a soft spot for the machine and I don’t really understand why it gets as much hate as it does - I guess because people are mislead by the name and think it will be a quick and easy process, and when it doesn’t, they conclude that the machine doesn’t work (and since most at-home hair removal devices like this are scams, I guess can’t really blame them.)

So much Hate it.

Because it got some Defects or Miss built.

  1. Heared like by someone on Amazon, who sayed the needle go allways inside /back inside. The one did a Modfication on it

  2. By some they buyed it and even buyed new battery , it did not by the test any Peep sound

  3. it depends so much on the Amount of hairs you have /want to destroy . I mean really if it would be some hundreds hair to kill/destroy. Than its a option,of course.
    But by Thousands , its a nightmare , i guess. I mean Only to kill 1 Hair 40 Seconds, to tweeze it maybe soem seconds more… Could say maybe 1 minute each hair. So if you would really fast 60 Hairs in1 Hour (Maybe). I mean of course, you cant even destroy with a Better machine like Hundreds of hairs in 1hour. But i think if you got a better machine . And do it DIY You could destroy with Blend like 6 seconds +4-5 seconds to tweeze Maybe 3-4 Hairs in 1 Minute. <200 Hairs (MAXIMUM) in 1 Hour i guess. i think more realistic like 100-150. Its just slow. , thats why its no option for me.

a Professional Electrolysis can remove… usual 300-500 Hairs (In 1 Hour).

So even if you would just use the 300 Hairs and use just the 100 hairs… in1 hour could destroy you would be 75 % Slower as it. But i think to destroy by Facial hairs , if you have thousands, it could be fine.
I mean you need maybe 3-4-5 Hours for overlip. But makeable. I mean with a better machine.

with a male …beard… and use clean&easy … you sit too long on 1 area. Sit days on it. (just on upperlip).

Agreed on that - I probably wouldn’t try to tackle my legs with the one touch (not if I wanted them done anytime soon, anyway.) But the original commenter said it was just a few hairs, in that context the One Touch is a suitable solution.

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Yes by few Hairs its a Suitable Option.

I mean if you would really tackle your legs.

And if you dont want to pay this much.

You can look it exist machines some Blend/Galvanic /Diathery machines some used for <500 Dollar/USD , orjust diathermy but i wouldnt rather to use it on facial/throat area . But you can get these maschines for 300 -3000 Dollar used. But honestly more basic models for diy i mean new in this 500 Euro/dollar- <1800 (MAXIMUM) are good enough. THey do what they should.