James, another hypothetical Q if ya dont mind?

Hi James,a quick hypothetical scenario I have been wondering about:

Suppose that a guy went and achieved one full clearance of a particular area,with standard non-flash thermolysis(an area of unspecified size/hair density/hair growth phase). …And then he never had electrolysis ever again.

What would the prognosis be for a level of permanent hair
reduction in THAT area over the long-term, say 20/30/40 years ?? (assuming that if in fact there is any new growth of hair as the guy gets older, that it will occur in all/other areas of the body too)

Do you believe that achieving just 1 clearance of an area (and never touching it again) will result in a somewhat reduced amount of hair in that area , forever ?

cheers mate,


Yes, Hank, a reduction would be stable over the person’s life equal to the number of hairs actually killed. Since you said a full clearance, it doesn’t matter how the clearance was gained. Just that it was actually done.

If you clear the area, then only the accuracy of the treatments themselves, in addition to the number of hairs actually in phase would dictate how many treated hairs would ever return. Of course, hairs not growing can’t be treated at all.

Science says the situation you describe would result in anywhere from 20% to 80% permanent reduction depending on where it was and what the kill rate was.

Yes, Hank, a reduction would be stable over the person’s life equal to the number of hairs actually killed. Since you said a full clearance, it doesn’t matter how the clearance was gained. Just that it was actually done.

If you clear the area, then only the accuracy of the treatments themselves, in addition to the number of hairs actually in phase would dictate how many treated hairs would ever return. Of course, hairs not growing can’t be treated at all.

Science says the situation you describe would result in anywhere from 20% to 80% permanent reduction depending on where it was and what the kill rate was.

Thanks for putting that one to bed , James.

you said “…20% to 80% permanent reduction depending on where it was …”. - Depending on where what was? Do you mean depending where the area was that the treatment would be occurring ? (do different areas have different levels of potential regrowth?) Or were you referring to something else ?

oh yeh,just to clarify - the reason I specified that the method would be simple thermolysis… Since galvanic has a higher kill-rate than the simpler versions of thermolysis, wouldnt an area that reaches clearance once through galvanic (even though it’d take longer to achieve)ultimately experience less hairs regrowing than if the same area were cleared via thermolysis ?


Different parts of the body have different growth phases. Some parts of the body only have 20% growing hairs visible at a certain time of the year. Other parts of the body might have 80% of all visible hairs in growth phase at a given time of the year. Again, if a hair is not visible, and not in growth phase, you won’t get maximum benefit of the treatment.

On the modality issue, we are running circles around a tree here. The point is, thermolysis DOES have the ability to have the same efficacy of Galvanic, it just depends on the skill of the electrologist performing the treatments, and the equipment the electrologist is using. That being said, it is easier to get any kind of clearance with Thermolysis over either blend or galvanic because it is more likely one can clear out any area in one day, or one week, if one took the time. It also stands to reason that one would be more likely to achieve a full clearance in an area with Thermolysis within the window of time before the hairs that are in growth phase slip into shedding phase, and other new hairs start their new growth phase. Remember, you only have a space of a few weeks before your body moves on to the next set of hairs.

This is why people trying to do large areas with galvanic spend years doing it, they are really only thinning out hairs slowly.

Imagine that you are in the Space shuttle, and you are charged with removing every dandelion flower from the earth from your fixed position in space. As the world rotates, you would pick off flower after flower, but since the world is rotating, you can’t actually clear so much as a field underneath you, because the world below you keeps turning, so you can only take what you can, and wait until that field comes back into your view 24 hours later.

Thermolysis is fast enough to clear the field before the rotation moves that set of hairs out from under you. Galvanic is not, unless you don’t have many hairs to start with. If the person had lots of time, and could sit for hours, and hours of treatment, it would increase the number of hairs one could remove per day, but if you have that kind of time, and that kind of tolerance, one could get even more work done in thermolysis.

At any rate, the final word is that any competent electrologist can kill more hair follicles dead in one hour utilizing thermolysis than even the best galvanic operator could in the same time. Furthermore, the thermologist would give you the bonus of other hairs being cosmetically removed for further bare skin now, and those that do regrow will be thinner and weaker hairs easily picked off at a lower setting in the future.