I've made a big mistake

I shaved my upper back… Now it is quite prickly… Is there anything I can do to make the hair finer and natural - looking? Will it get better? I am never going to do it again :). Thank you

The only thing you can do is let it grow out and it will feel softer (not something that brings you hair relief!). Hair has tapered ends. Shaved hair is cut off at that thickest part of the hair and will feel prickly. There is nothing you can do about that. If you are bothered by upper back hair, you would do well to look into getting electrolysis. Look for a modern electrologist that can remove hair speedily and effectively, easier said than done in some areas of the planet, but still make an effort to try to find someone good.


Shaving doesn’t change the structure of the hair. If you just let it grow out and wait a month or two, it’ll be back to what it was. You can also wax to speed up the process.

The only reason it feels prickly is because it was “cut off” at the thickest point of the hair shaft.

Yeah, shaving causes prickliness. But it’s just an optical illusion. You haven’t actually done anything bad to the hair. Like LAgirl said, you just trimmed off the flexible tapered tip. It’s not a huge mistake, just a little annoying for a while. This is why many people shave daily (to avoid the prickly feeling of regrowth).

I found it stops being prickly after about a day or so. And can feel quite good from then on - certainly feels a lot nicer that way and looks better than long hairs (like 1-2cm plus)!

Next time try waxing - softer regrowth. But if you have curly hair be wary of doing that yourself as you may get a lot of ingrown hairs (causing pussy red cysts that can take months to heal), if the waxing is not done well.