I recently discovered this forum…thanks to everyone’s great advice/info. So with a recent groupon special, for only $99, I got $650 worth of treatments at a local Laser Hair removal clinic, with licensed Estheticians and a 10 year long running business. They use a Lightsheer.
I’m planning to finally, treat my abdomen and chest. With using ANOTHER groupon as a gift, I can get 2 treatments to BOTH areas (according to their pricing). I do know that the end result won’t be bare, but I’d love some thinning out.
Do you guys have any helpful advice for me and my complete lack of knowledge? I am quite light skinned (easily burns) and have course/dark hair. Do you think 2 treatments will provide any results? When a clinic states “Chest-$295.00” does that generally mean my entire chest? Or could that fluctuate drastically depending on the density, etc.
I really appreciate any input…and in the meantime, I’ll be searching through all of these wonderful posts!