…There are several things that I have noticed, among the clients that come to see me, that make their experience a lot less than it should be. I am not here to rant, or even to vent, but from the genuine concern to see that people get their money’s worth from what ever electrologist they are using. This is primarily directed at the newbies, so for those of you who know better, this might be a good time to check out another thread.
One of the things that frustrates an electrologist is to have a client come in for a treatment with two basic conditions. These are:
- Improper hydration
and; - A lot of makeup applied to the area that needs to be treated.
Of the two conditions, improper hydration is the most exasperating as it requires much higher settings on the epilator to gain proper release of the hairs being treated. This not only makes electrology a much more uncomfortable process, but virtually insures a greater degree of post-treatment reactions and slower healing.
The frustrating thing about this? The client, being unaware that the reason for the greater discomfort is due to their lack of preparation, will frequently attribute the pain to the skill of the practitioner which, in this case, simply isn’t true!
Coming in without removing the makeup is not nearly as frustrating as the lack of hydration, however it does mean that at least 30 to 40 less hairs will not be treated during the purchased time as this is the amount of time that will be spent to prepare the area for treatment. (Note that I do use primarily micro-flash!) That is significant when one considers that over the course of 10 treatments, that will add up to about 300 to 400 hairs.
While it is the client’s money, I feel much better when I can spend that amount of time removing hair than makeup!
Paying attention to these two details will make a significant difference over the course of treatments in terms of both dollars and discomfort.
All the best!