its obvious RJC2001 works for a laser clinic

A troll is someone who joins an internet discussion forum just to irritate other members and cause trouble. We certainly do tolerate disagreement. All you have to do is ask the question, “what is better, laser or electrolysis?” You will get many different answers and opinions.

When someone gets on the forum and starts name-calling and starts posts telling us we have no lives because we discuss hair removal, or why don’t we just leave our body hair alone and be like Robin Williams, there sole purpose in being here is to disrupt the forum and cause trouble. The best way to respond to trolls is removal, just like unwanted hair.


madhairy has posted quite a number of messages targeting certain users, and do not have any evidences to backup his arguments.
An unaccept behaviour.

A good internet community is usually from a good forum. A good forum can’t exist with moderation. A good moderation is not to censor people’s opinions, but to remove offensive, unaccept material.

In the internet, it’s a matter of respect, a matter of privacy, and a matter of etiquette.

When I was a child, a troll was a nasty ugly green creature who lived under bridges and attacked innocent victims as they passed by, just for its own pleasure. Note the similarity…

cheers for your replys -The point has been clearly made ,so i guess it’s goodby to madhairy.