Thanks for the update. How far apart were all of your treatments?

I would wait 10-12 weeks between them at this point to truly see what’s left.

It has been about six weeks since my fifth treatment.
Quite a few lightly-pigmented and fine hairs are growing in now. I remember my practitioner commenting that underneath all the dark, dense growth, I had some peculiarly blonde hairs, so i expect this may be those unaffected by the laser. Either that, or follicles that were damaged but not completely destroyed. If this is the case, what are the chances of the follicles healing themselves?

Anyone have any input on what one’s growth SHOULD look like around this time?

It’s probably the hair that was there, but wasn’t noticeable before.

As I mentioned above, you should wait at least 10-12 weeks to judge things. Hair is always finer when it first appears.

Thanks!! Yes, I am holding off on my 6th treatment (the last of my package) in order to really see where I stand.

Alright, so it has been nearly seven weeks since my 6th treatment. What’s growing back appears to be hairs that were there before, but just way too fine for laser to work on them. Probably 95% of the hairs are fine and wispy. I’d say i have about 90% reduction on everything, and 99% reduction of all dark, course hairs at this point. Hopefully these percentages do not change! I am pleased so far, although I know seven weeks is way too soon to be sure.

Tomorrow I have scheduled a one hour electrolysis appointment just to zap all of these initial hairs and get them out of the way. I’ll probably schedule another appointment three weeks from then, which will make it ten weeks post-laser.

I’ll try to update every few weeks to give you guys an estimation on anything regrowing, for those of you lurkers that are interested. Maybe I will we able to become a part of the Laser Success thread within the year.

You’re planning on treating the same area with both laser and electrolysis? Or I’m not understanding correctly?

I would wait another 3 weeks before you do either method on the area. 7 weeks is still too early to judge. It won’t be too late for electrolysis at that point, so no downside. You can shave for now.

I am treating areas where the hair never really shed because it was too fine and light, like my stomach, and some areas around the perimeter of my bikini. It isn’t very much but I feel like if I tackle it now, what grows in three weeks from now will be more manageable.

Ok. You can treating anything with electrolysis now. I would just not treat anything with electrolysis that you think may warrant another laser treatment just yet.

Just an update on my first experience with electrolysis:
I underwent one hour, focused on a short bikini area cleanup and my, err… derriere. The woman that did my laser treatments also does electrolysis, which was one of the reasons why I chose her. I don’t want to go through explaining twice to strangers about my butthair concerns now do I? Talk about a vulnerable topic. :frowning:

Anyway the method she used was thermolysis and she has a lot of experience with it, in fact she began her practice the year I was born (I’m 22 now). I did not use a numbing agent like I did with laser, and I still experienced considerably less pain than with laser. Maybe next time i will bring a book to read…

My skin has some tiny red pricks all over, and a few of them are scabbing. Nothing threatening looking really. I’ll probably return in about three weeks, 10 weeks post 6th laser treatment.
alrighty guys well thanks for listening, good luck to you all!!

Thanks for the update. Just use witch hazel during the day and a bit of tea tree oil at night, and it will heal well.