Is waxing permitted after finishing ALL electrolysis treatments?

Hi, so im almost done with my elctrolysis treatments in face:)
I did my side burns and almost everywhere ecen my forehead.
I did also my eyebrows - only in between them, Around the eyebrows, up and down, but not in a neat shape because I’m afraid of getting messy and wanting to change and not having it anymore.

So I want to start waxing my “white hairs” because I like the fresh hairless & without peachfuzz face
but im not sure I can, and I don’t like the idea of shaving and the resultsof it… and I also want to go to a girl who shapes the eyebrows with wax & tweezers
but im scared it will ruin all the Result & Progress,
But i do want to have a neat shape inthe brows but not a permanent one.
I will like to know what can I do

It’s perfectly fine to wax, thread or tweeze your eyebrows after you have finished electrolysis. The reason we ask people not to wax is because we can’t treat the hairs that aren’t there. If your treatments are finished, it won’t ruin the progress. Be aware that you are likely to grow new eyebrow hair, so you may want a touch up treatment or two a few years into the future.

I’m not with Thermo on this one, for the first time I think I can remember? Oh well we can disagree now and again.

I personally dont think waxing is ok for your fine velous hair… even after you have completed your electrolysis for courser bothersome hair. Here’s why. It can actually serve to stimulate some of those hairs to become the courser hairs that you just finished doing electrolysis for. Here’s what happens. All hairs are made pretty much the same, be they vellous or full growth phase hairs. They all feed blood from a finger like projection called a Dermal Papillae, and then convert that blood into Keratin used to build hair. . When you wax a hair, you damage the dermal papillae. So your body rebuilds it. It makes it larger with a denser number of capillary loops . These denser capillary loops give a better blood supply to the next hair to grow from that follicle and so that hait grows larger, thicker and faster than the one before it. This is one of the primary ways, that hair is stimulated to grow larger or more bothersome aside from a hormonal influence. . So you could be stimulating some of those fine vellous non-bothersome hairs, into full on growth hairs that now need to be removed.
