a couple of years ago i got the idea to shave my pubic hair. when i did this i may have noticed a couple of stray hairs on my penis itself. So what i did is shaved them with a couple of strokes. I don’t shave down there anymore, but i now pluck the hair on my penis shaft…i’ve been doing this for about a year and i can tell that more hair is growing in and it’s growing faster with the pluckings. I just what to know what is the best solution to removing the hair on my f’n penis shaft.
Hi Nuje:
Do you listen to Isaac Hayes and the Theme From Shaft when you are doing this?
Seriously though,you will more than likely get ingrown hairs and infections by doing that. I would suggest electrolysis providing you really are serious, and you can find someone who is willing to do that kind of work. Many electrologists are women, and they wouldn’t go there. The ones who would work in that area may charge a premium, lets call it danger pay.
Waxing is also a solution, but it is only wholesale plucking. So, Alicia is probably right on when she said electrolysis.
Hi Alicia,
Electrologists have shared some pretty awful stories of what they personally encountered when they did work on men. All it takes is ONE man to behave really badly and yes, it ruins it for the majority of men who are respectful.
Over the past few years, my local electrology association has provided hands on training in male genital hair removal and although more female electrologists feel more comfortable working in all of the body areas, they do not feel safe working on men.
From my experience with colleagues and students and educators, refraining from treating males has less to do with where pilosebaceous units are located and more to do with the feeling of safety of working on men in a field where most of us work in a private space alone.
For some reason this sentiment, “Won’t work on ‘those’ parts” has been proliferated throughout this website when that is rarely the issue.
My clientelle is 30% male, this is very high but I would not work on males without the security cameras in my lobby; we also have a doorman.
In response to NUJE’s question, I believe that electrolysis is most appropriate however since most of those hairs are deep and coarse, if laser has its appeal for you, investigate that too. Tweezing, waxing… this will be a forever process with its own complications of ingrown hairs as tissue heals and hair continues to grow.
Good Luck.
Hi Nuje:
IPL treatments and/or laser hair removal from an experienced technician will reduce the process but will not totally eliminate it. Follow by some electrolysis appointments. Plucking, waxing will increase your chance of ingrown hairs, and with my experience, laser and/or IPL will “correct” the process.
Hi Arlene:
My electrologist has one guy who keeps calling and enquiring about genital hair removal, but they think he is just getting off on enquiring about it.
They also had a married client who stalked the other female electrologist there who is happily married. She was really quite scared about that. To top it off the man’s wife was also a hair removal client of theirs.
I agree with you about taking precautions to be safe, especially with clients you don’t know that well.
I can only speak from my personal, unprofessional exerience on lasering and electrolysis (I’ve had both done) but I think LucieD has it right about possibly considering both.
However, my most valuable piece of advice is that you stop tweezing immediately and go back to shaving until you decide on a more permanent solution.
I’m in the same spot myself, shaving was too irritating for my shaft, so I did plucking for a while.
I think I got plucking down as effecient as I could (have a thread here), but it only takes one bad wound or ingrown hair wound to throw my whole sex drive down there, and it aint worth it.
It’s time for me to consider permanent methods, especially as all the sessions can drag up to a year.
I’ve been searching the forums, and I really can’t find much info about this though
- The experts here say electrolysis is the best thing for the shaft of the penis to finish the treatment (due to the fine hairs and the angular shape of the penis), but what about the whole treatmen, should I go electrolysis all the way ?
- if it’s just the shaft of the penis I want to treat, how much time and money is expected ?