Hey fuzz,
I am of south Asian descent and most of the girls in my extended family here in the UK have problems with excess face and body hair.
When I was growing up, my mum used lots of scare tactics to keep me away from waxing/threading my facial hair. She was right. Most of my cousins were doing it and now in our 20’s, I still have that fuzz (I started bleaching when I was 19), it’s bad but not as compared to their situations now.
Apart from those of us who stuck to bleaching (and most of these have much less hair than me so they are okay with it) everyone else has coarse facial hair, especially in the sideburn and jaw/chin area. Most of them have to wear heavy makeup to hide the scars from the ingrown hairs.
Now, for some of them, if they have underlying hormone issues, it may have become worse anyway. But this is the thing, I hardly know anyone who has hormone issues that also didn’t become a regular plucker/threader at a fairly early age, making the problem a lot worse, I’m sure.
Only one 2nd cousin never did anything apart from bleaching… she was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and her facial hair started increasing. She had electrolysis last year that removed most of it. It was an easy job because she never really did any root removal (except the upper lip) and her skin didn’t have years of abuse to recover from.
Here are some of my pics (in my sister’s thread). Electrolysis is the BEST option and the only option for permanent hair removal.