Is this scarring?

Hi everyone -

I have tried using the at-home One Touch unit and I did a test patch on my leg. I believe it was a success at getting rid of the hair, however, I am 2 months out and I am seeing these small scab-looking marks. The skin initially scabbed and then flaked off, so I’m wondering if these “scabs” are really just scars. Do the circled areas look like scars to you? I also find it interesting that the scabs/whatever they are seem to be two or three pinprick scabs grouped together even though I didn’t treat more than one hair.

I also know that leg work can take ages to fully heal, but I’m hesitant to keep going if I’m permanently scarring my skin. Any insight or advice is much appreciated!! Thanks!

ZERO problem … forge ahead.

Thank you!!

I’m also going to recommend you view Michaels video 4 part series “the healing skin” see if you can tell me what features of these marks align with what we know about the healing process. It will help you to not question what you see happening if you understand the healing process better.It’s available as part of the lectures playlist located here:

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Thank you for the recommendation! Just watched the whole series, very informative.