is this machine any good?

Hi guys I’ve just been for an electolysis session this morning my 7th I noticed the machine she was using as she left me in the room 5 minutes on my own was called a Carlton Epilator ? is this any good is it a thermolisis machine I didn’t think we were aloud to Epilate I would not use my epilator which I use on my legs and under arms on my chin it does use a pen and needle and zap at the hairs. She had been doing electrolysis for 40 years and is around 64 years old I worry sometimes when I point out hairs to her 75% of the time she see’s it 25% she says she see’s nothing and she doesn’t want to touch anything else I don’t want every hair on my chin gone but I do want the black thick and thin dark ones gone I used to pluck my chin :frowning: about 3 hairs every 2-3 weeks but since having electrolysis I get double the amount of hairs in the same time frame I’m hoping that just because I am looking more and allowing her to remove thinner ones I didn’t have the guts to remove myself in the hope they are gone for good. I’ve been seeing her since August she is half an hour away and the only official one registered on the british electorlysis website in my area. Although we do have a clinic in town that specialised in electroslysis and laser and I wondered whether to try these guys to see if there machine would be any better and perhaps eye sigh? or should I stick with what I know I would be a little scared showing my boobies to someone new.

It took me a few reads to figure out if there was a question in there :slight_smile:

Carleton epiltors are a common brand in the UK. The word “epilator” can mean a lot of different things, this is not the same as your home hair removal kit.Not even close. No one can tell you more without knowing the model.
If eyesight is a concern, you could try the other clinic for comparison.Generally when you are having electrolysis though you develop “hairsight” meaning you remove one and suddenly can see every tiny little hair and they are all suddenly a problem. If it were me, I’d just continue the treatment and let her do her job.


Thank you Seana that’s put my mind at ease i.e machine fingers crossed for a hair free Christmas hope you have a lovely Christmas and new year x

I think I shall spend a lot of Christmas removing hair. I’m a bit behind, but I have a lot more to remove than you do. :slight_smile:
Have a nice Christmas as well :slight_smile:


Even the most top-of-the-line machine will be useless in the hands of someone who doesn’t know how to use it. Operator skill, more than the machine, is the important thing. Having said that, if your electrologist has failing eyesight and cannot see the hairs, I would seek out somebody new. On a related note, to “epilate” simply means to remove hair in one of various ways. Electrolysis is a form of epilation.