Is this going to work? - Brazilian LHR


I’m a skin type III, with black hair on my underarms and legs. My hair on my head is a very dark brown with very visible red natural highlights…meaning (as I have just discovered) I unfortunately have lighter red hair in some places, including majority of my Brazilian area.

I have already purchased a package of 6 LHR treatements on underarms (going well) and 6 for the Brazilian.

These are the settings:

  • LightSheer Diode
  • 18J 1.5Hz and 30mm

No shedding is occuring on the brazilian area - it is all growing back and if I pluck a hair, it has the full root. Noticed that the hair on the bikini LINE (upper thighs) is black, shedding, hair on the rest is probably 75% red at the root (black at the top), and seems to not have been affected.

I am confused because it hurt the entire time – constantly feeling zaps! What is going on? Am I wasting my time?

Also, can someone advise on the settings? She told me she would not go past 20J for me. However, I have a friend who does LHR and she told me I should be in the 23-25J range (she has not see the skin on the area I am treating though). Please advise.

What is the spot size of this LightSheer machine? Impossible to help without it.

How long ago did you have the treatment? Hair often doesn’t start shedding until 10 day after the treatment or so. Give it 3 weeks before judging.

I am not sure what spot size refers to, but these were the numbers I was told: 18J 1.5Hz and 30mm