Is this going to heal ? What should I do?

Hello, Tuesday I’ve had my first electrolysis treatment at the 2pass clinic in belgium, it was a full clearance with anesthetic, I sent pictures to the clinic and I was told it was normal, but after spending quite a bit of time looking up skin damage from electrolysis, all the pictures I’ve seen didn’t even look as bad as my face.

I’ve used witch hazel and the menthol lotion I was given until now, I’ll link pictures, my chin is still quite numb and my cheeks? (below the ears) just a bit.

I’m scared to even post this and what I’m gonna hear, I feel really bad, I’m never going to an electrologist again.

This is the normal post-treatment healing process at work. It’s only temporary. You do NOT have skin damage. If you are unwilling to accept the temporary side effects of treatment with the end goal of permanent hair removal, you are not a good candidate for electrolysis.

That’s normal are you sure ? I’ve seen posts on here with people that just have red spots be told it’s overtreatment and stuff, I have red spots, blisters, scabs and it’s still quite red and the skin texture is unpleasant to say the least.

What can I do to make sure this heals properly, also, what about the pustule I have ?

Naomi, I have been an electrologist for 40 years. I do not see blisters. Your skin does NOT exhibit signs of overtreatment.

I’m going to have to disagree. I think it is a little bit of over treatment especially on the chin and a little on the lip. More energy than I would have used for sure though. I do not think you should be too concerned as I think it will heal fine over time. I wouldn’t really do anything other than what you are doing now and just wait for it to heal.

There are blisters on my chin though, I assume you haven’t looked at all the pictures.

Oh, I do see the blisters now. I only looked at the first photo. I would use Caladryl lotion on the area. This should dry up the blisters and help your skin heal. I believe your skin will heal and there will be no lasting marks.

I’m going to agree with ABE. Theres evidence of plasma discharge on the chin ( I didnt look at the lip) . I also agree that it will probably heal just fine. I can totally understand your apprehension with electrolysis. The cause of overtreatment however is the mass clearance. I dont nomally recommend this for the chin if I can avoid it. It seems 2pass works this way however, but the only recommendation I can give is, if you dont care for the treatment an operator gives you, see someone else.
We dont all work like this. There are plenty of european electrologists who also, do not work like this. Dont let one bad experience, rob you of the hair removal journey. You can meet your goals, safely and without risk of scarring or overtreatment


The blisters are gone now, redness is negligible, bruises are fading a bit, numbness is slowly diminishing, but I still have a decent amount of scabs and red spots.

All in all this seems to be healing well I suppose.

It’s very reassuring to be told it’ll heal fine, how long do you think I should wait to, dare I, do electrolysis again ?

I understand I should avoid full clearance on dense areas such as my chin, but what of my upper lip? I had a very small amount of hair there and it took all but 5 minutes to treat, but I still got quite noticeable red spots, or is this inevitable because of how sensitive my skin is ?

I guess my question is, what kind of “damage” is acceptable after going through a session ?

Are you planning to do treatments again in the same area? I’d wait at least 2 weeks but I usually tell people 4-6 weeks as a baseline after clearing an area. But just see how your skin is doing and don’t rush things. As far as how much damage is acceptable it really depends on the area and density and thickness of the hair. If I were treating your face for example you would expect to see redness and very little scabbing if any. Keep in mind that the adverse effects of electrolysis will always be present and typically things will look worse before they get better. On the lip with fine sparse hairs probably some redness that would most likely have gone away in a day or so. I’m assuming some of the marks are from injection sites correct?

Yes the same area, I was told the same things at 2pass, 4-6 weeks/no scabbing/…, but my skin is apparently extremely sensitive. Regarding my upper lip, is it possible I got this much “damage” due to how sensitive my skin is ? Or is it more likely due to the electrologist ?

I had 4 injections for each sites treated.

It’s the electrologist. I hear the phrase “I have sensitive skin” from every client that shows up for a consult. Barring a clearly defined skin disorder, the term “sensitive skin” is a nebulous term that has no medical meaning. Cosmetic companies have convinced every woman on the face of the planet that she has sensitive skin because it sells products.

I’m going to say I think it’s the manner in which the electrologist was working. This may be a protocol however that the clinic has their staff following that is ultimately responsible.
I’m going to say that I’ve seen much worse results on someone who consulted with me, also treated at the 2 pass clinic. The clinics response when asked about the results can be described , at best , as defensive.
For this reason, while I get many inquiries from people seeking european electrologists, 2pass isn’t one I include in such recommendations.

I live in Belgium, what electrologist would you recommend ?

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Dr Beate Ritzert in Germany.