Hey everyone,
Since it’s summer, I’m putting laser on hold after I do 1 more session next week. My full front has had great results from laser. My last session was 10 weeks ago. On my stomach and around nipples I’ve had more treatments, I started doing 4 with IPL there, then I’ve done 2 with Apogee Alex on the full front, so 6 in total on my stomach/nipples, and 2 everywhere else.
Right now my stomach is still smooth aside from the odd straggler of a hair. Right above it, you can see where the IPL treatments stopped, as I have lighter hair there. It’s not peachfuzz, it’s a bit darker but it’s not actual hair hair, as in from a foot or two away from me I’d look smooth (I can post pics) either way it’s super fine hair, the kind that only grows a few mm out of the skin if that makes sense.
Anyway I’m getting off track. Around my nipples, I’d say I have maybe 10-12 average hairs left around each. Then right in the middle of my chest there’s maybe 4 or 5 normal hairs, with the odd random one on my collar bone. On my abs, the hair is the short super fine not noticeable hair, but there may be the odd normal straggler hair there as well. Then on my stomach, around my tattoo there’s a bunch of normal hair since I can’t do laser that close to it. It’s right on the border line though of where the hair stops.
What I’m wondering, is is it normal to do electrolysis but basically go in and just say I want to do a 60 minute treatment right now, just remove as much of the most visible hairs on my front as you can in 60 minutes? Then just let them go to town, starting on both nipples to get those straggler hairs, then do around my tattoo and so on? Then once those are gone if there’s time they can start to remove some of those finer hairs?
I can post pictures if that helps, but basically the hair that’s there is fine and too light for laser. If I took a picture of myself holding the camera myself, I look completely smooth, that’s how fine most of the hair is aside from those odd stragglers which you wouldn’t even see in a picture from a few feet away anyway.
Thanks everyone, sorry going all over there! Just trying to tell if that’s normal to do, or if jumping around getting the visible hairs is a waste of time, if I should just say let’s start at the top and work our way down. My big thing is that I’m pretty sure in an hour they should be able to remove all the hairs that bother me. I can count them all if that helps.