is there nothing else?

so! the basics first!
I’m a 21 year old female of mixed race ( black and white) my skin isn’t extremely dark its a cappuchino color i suppose.
lets see, i have had hair problems since i was about 14. on my arms, thighs, stomach, back and face. the face is the worst. very bad side burns that spread to my cheeks and my chin and upper lip.
so i’ve tried pretty much everything. started out shaving. moved on to nair and that other cream stuff. now none of the cream stuff works for me. i guess my skin is real sensitive. it starts to burn like actual burning and theres a giant red rash there. but it did get rid of the hair and i was desperate so i kept doing that. stopped after awhile and started waxing. pretty painful on such a gentle area and it would only last two days before coming back. i’ve done the tweezing and all of those gizmos. again pain. last year i did laser treatment on my back and face. the hair on my back was softer then on my face i think because i never shaved it. so it went away after a few treatments which i was very happy about. my face didnt go away. it seemed like less but i still had to shave and it didnt look like it was working much. i havent had treatment in about 7 months and it kind of all came back on my face which is very depressing as i’m sure everyone knows. i feel ugly and i dont even feel like a girl because of this. i’ve never had a boyfriend and i wear long shirts and jeans all the time. ALL THE TIME. i love short hair, i’ve always wanted it but i can never cut my hair because i use that to hide my face.
i don’t know what to do anymore
i dont have alot of money but i need something to work. it is extremely depressing me to the point of things that i don’t want to think of.
please don’t reply that i should talk to someone for depression because thats not what i’m here for.

try using at home electrolysis device like one touch or modified vector unit with probe in the evenings. the two machines are cheap and they actualy work to permenantly get rid of hair. it is time consuming because you can only work on one hair at a time. but if you do it every evening or somthing it shouldnt be too bad. oh and it might not happen at first because you need to insert the needle properly, but once you get the hang of it its pretty easy.

i recomend getting the modified vector unit because it is easier to use.

How many laser treatments did you do on your face? What kind of laser?

I never advise laser hair reduction for a woman’s face. I never recommend waxing or nair-like products either. Electrolysis is highly effective if it is performed by a professional and that’s what will free you of this depression pain. Making a plan and seeing it through will do much more for you than advising you to seek counseling help regarding your depression about hair. I believe YOU alone can resolve this with research and a GOOD SOLID PLAN. Cost depends on your hair situation. When you say you don’t have much money, then I would suggest that you start saving up as best you can so you will have no interruption in keeping an ideal schedule over a period of 1-1.5 years of treatment. You want to go full force ahead once you start. Until you have the funds, you can do your research in regard to finding a REPUTABLE electrologist in your area. It would be better to shave or clip your facial hair until you have the money to start professional electrolysis treatments. That’s my suggestion, but if you insist on lasing your face, know that you take a gamble of laser hair stimulation.

So, how many laser treatments did you have on your face?

Have you shown the hair to a physician?

It sounds like you may have a hormonal condition. You should talk to your parents and visit an endocrinologist experienced in PCOS issues. The reason you may not be seeing results can be due to the fact that your body is developing NEW hair as you’re trying to remove it, so it always seems like it’s coming back instead.

Is the hair on your face coarse, average, or fine? What type of laser was used? How many treatments did you have? Did you experience shedding each time. On your skin type, only a Yag laser can be used. And laser only works on dense coarse hair, so only that type of hair can be treated effectively. Otherwise, you need professional electrolysis. I don’t recommend the home electrolysis treatments, especially on the face. You really need to learn what you’re doing to perform it anywhere on your body without causing scarring, infection etc. It’s not something I would recommend for a 21-year-old. And even professional electrologists don’t treat their own faces. There is no way you can make great insertions that way.

But like I said, I would definitely get your hormones checked first. Hair removal methods work, but they cannot prevent new hair from forming if there is something in your body causing it. So getting that part taken care of is important.

Hormones do play a part for too much hair in the wrong places, but many women who have had hormonal assays, report that all was found to be normal. Most hairy women are very healthy and normal, but they inherit charactaristics from their hairy relatives and are very sensitive to the smallest, noraml levels of male hormone circulating in their bodies.

It never hurts to consult a physician, even though your hair patterns started developing at age 14, at puberty. I just don’t want you to lay awake at night worrying that you have something medically wrong with you. The above advise is still good, so do consider getting a medical check.