Is there any way to get this "Super" Topical Anesthetic Cream?

Please read this:

It’s a topical anesthetic specially created by this site for it’s patients for the purposes of electrolysis pain management. Apparently it’s 5 to 7 TIMES more powerful them EMLA.

Unfortunately, they do not sell this product.

Is there any product identical to it, or a way we can find somehow to get it developed for our use?

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Good Luck finding anyone to tell you what it is!

For ten years I have asked for information on what it is and how one could get it. From the self-proclaimed originators of this “Epil-Ez” to others who have recommended it no one is talking to me about its contents. If we did know what it was, we could easily have a local pharmacist mix some up with a prescription from your doctor.

As far as I know, the only way to get some is through Electrology 2000 in Texas, and I think they only give it to their clients/patrons. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Ugh. They could make good MONEY out of selling it. But they’re not.

Maybe if someone could find out the factory they get it produced at. That’s probably the only choice if E2000 doesn’t want anyone else to use it

(which is fine if you’re CLOSE to e2000, but if you’re a thousand miles away – e2000 offers no feasible service whatsoever).

back to ultram and emla/lmx5.

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The only other place i found that might have it is:

Nu-Woman Electrolysis
Kimberly Westwood, CPE, CCE
(813) 884-7835, Monday through Friday, 9am - 6pm (Eastern)

Haven’t called them yet.

– More cool info:–


"We also use a topical anesthetic/anti-inflammatory that is compounded (custom blended) for us by a pharmaceutical firm. We’ve named it Epil-EZ. This, too, is prescription medication and is only used with our patients. Having tried/heard of Emla Cream or other OTC (over-the-counter) medications, most peoples’ first reaction is believing that a topical can’t do very much. Well, it doesn’t take long to change their minds about Epil-EZ.

Epil-EZ is about seven magnitudes more powerful than Emla, and is made in such a way that it quickly penetrates through the skin barrier. This is similar mixture to what a dermatologist may use during a extensive procedure, such as laser surgery on the face. As with surgical procedures, it is important to keep the site free from blood and inflammation. Additional drugs produce this effect. Epil-EZ contains these drugs as well. Several minutes after applying the topical to the patient, I can see the skin blanche in the area of the cream. This effect is produced by all of the minute blood vessels constricting. As a result, the electrolysis treatment area will now suffer less inflammation. Additionally, the anesthetic will last longer, since it will not be metabolized so quickly.

So Epil-EZ is quite a blessing on its own. The treatment area is deadened from pain, and I’m able to do more treatment with less after-effects."

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This is an unconfirmed rumor, but since no one ever seems to want to discuss Epil-Ez on the record, it seems credible, and that is why I am posting this information that I can’t confirm without getting my hands on actual epil-ez, or some word from those who make it.

It seems that the base the potion is made in is the difference, between the regualr topical mix anyone else is using, or your doctor is writing a script for, and that gives the extra effect. The problem is, it is not necesarrily cleared for this use, and soooooooo, no one wants to go on record as actually using this stuff.

This report fits in nicely with some other information that I CAN confirm, but won’t discuss here.

If EMLA or LMX-5 are not cutting it for you, there’s always compounded tetracaine gel:


I once had a special compound made up by my pharmacist, which required a prescription. It was very expensive, very thick and I did not get as good an effect as with the emla properly applied. The quantities of anaesthetic were much higher than normal, but maybe the base was wrong for good absorption through the skin?

This was just my experience though, and it was worth a try.

Just a note of caution: There have been reported cases of fatalities where people have used specially compounded topical anaesthetics on large areas of their body prior to laser sessions.


Yes, I should have posted my page on risks and deaths associated with topical anesthetic over larger areas:

SUPER T available online 7/8 oz. at
I am going to test its efficiency on 2 nipple piercings today! I am hoping it is as strong as they say LOL! Hope this helps!

Has anybody ever used this before? Every single EMLA or numbing creme I have ever used basically DOESN’T work AT ALL. If this makes it so I won’t be able to feel electrolysis it will be a dream come true.

I would ask what you would consider “working” to mean. If you are looking for something that will make it so you don’t feel ANYTHING at all, no topical will do that. Only a nerve block, or a local injection will do that.

Chuck, how long are you leaving the cream on? Are you leaving a thick layer on the area for an hour prior to treatment? As James said, it won’t make it painless, but it should help a bunch if used properly.

So what happened in your nipple piercing with Super T? I’m thinking of using a topical anesthesic for my personal nipple piercing, soon. Did it numb the nipple completely, so you felt absolutely not pain, and if so: 1. How much did you use? 2. How thick an application. 3. Did you cover it (occlusion?) 4. For how long before punching the needle through? 5. How long did your nerps stay numb? 5. Did they swell and make the piercing difficult like piercing parrots claim all over the net? 6. What guage needle did you use? 7. Did you do the piercings on yourself? Did you use forecepts? 8. Do you have large, thick nipples, like nursed nipples, small soft ones? Makes a hugh difference to the experience. Many thanks, for your reply.

Hi, i have discoverd this product i have seen it in the stores, here in australia, does it work? i would like to use it to relief pain from a tattoo i am going to get it is quiet big and on my ribs so its going to hurt alot…! would this product do its justice? thanks

I have had clients try all kinds of topicals with varying results. Some reduce the sensation a little, others seem to do almost nothing, and frequently, the same topical that works for one person does nothing for someone else.

You just have to try out a few and see for yourself, what works for you. Short of an injection, I have found nothing to be 100% effective for everyone, and come to think of it, I have seen injections fail some people. Ask your dentist how some people don’t respond to nerve block injections, or metabolize the drugs many times faster than normal, so what should work for 4 hours, works for only 20 minutes.