Is there a way to reduce these electrolysis after effects?


I have just had my third session of electrolysis on the chin. I go to a very well reputed and experienced lady in London who I found mentioned on here. She uses thermolysis as her preference. The first session was 15mins, the next two were 30mins - spread over two months.

I have had quite a lot of pustules post sessions so she has already reduced the settings. My skin is prone to hyperpigmentation so we’re trying to reduce the reaction.

After my last session yesterday I have had a lot of pustules which are a lot bigger than usual but also scabbing which I have not experienced before. My chin is also appearing red brown from the pigmentation left from previous sessions.

Are there any ways to reduce these after effects?

We dab tea tree oil after each session. Once I get home I use a gentle cleanser and reapply tea tree, then witch hazel and aloe Vera. For the next three days I use witch hazel and aloe only with tea tree at night. No makeup, no touching, new pillows towels etc. I release the pustules wherever possible

Grateful for any other tips on how to avoid the pustules and scabbing if possible! Thank you

Pic of scabbing two days later

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This looks like folliculitis. It’s usually caused by bacteria and not necessarily relates directly to the electrolys aftercare (search online for the causes). Even though you say you’re not touching the skin and change bedding and towels, bacteria might be already present in the bottle/tube of your current aftercare product.
I’d change the aftercare to start with, to see if this helps - maybe try calamine lotion, or Savlon Advanced Healing gel. Maybe don’t layer several products, one is usually enough.
Scabbing might be due to the settings still being a bit too high for you, or maybe because your practitioner uses non-isolated or gold needles (they conduct electricity along the whole length, not at the tip like insulated ones). Also, as you are saying you squeeze the spots, this might cause scabbing. Try to avoid this, as this also aids bacteria spreading around. You can try salt compress (look it up, very easy to do) to get rid of pus.
Hope this helps.