Is the hair cycle is true then why does hair come light the next week?

:wave:t2: hi. I am not doubting the hair cycle process, I am just curious to know why when I went to two electrolysis, one zaps my hair and it grows back thick in two weeks and when the other one did, it grew back light and scattered. If hair is on totally different cycles I guess I am confused.

Each hair is in a different cycle. Hair cannot return in two weeks. What you are seeing is new growth. You might want to re-visit and delve deeper into the process of hair growth and cycles.

Yes I am not doubting the concept of new growth, I just find it odd how an entire different electrolysis is able to make the light regrowth. If it was new hair, I just feel like the thickness would be the same from both electrolysis since the hair not killed is from a different time period. What’s interesting is I went to my good electrolysis first, always got light regrowth, and then tried the other woman for 3-4 sessions (for distance convenience), got my “usual thick regrowth”, went back to my good electrolysis and once again experienced light regrown. The regrowth difference is incomparable which is why I was just asking you guys about it on this forum, to see if I could get answers.

With both electrologists (technicians) was the hair extracted without resistance or did one feel like a tweeze and the other did not?

Both electrologists did not have resistance although the least skilled electrologist did have a few resisted tweezers (just a few though not the majority). I do not feel insertions with the better electrolysis either, can’t remember if I did for the other one.

If the hair breaks off below the skin, due to improper insertion or low energy level, then you will see “false regrowth” that may appear within days or a couple weeks. Perfect insertions follows the right amount of energy follows lifting the hair out with no traction. Without that formula, we see questions like this all the time.

ELECTROLO-GISTS are all different, but the above principles are what the hair consumer should look for to ensure a good treatment.

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