Is my stomach-happy trail permanently scarred? :/

It’s been almost 3 months since I got this treatment to my stomach/happy trail done. My electrologist cleared it on 1/30/2023. I’m scared that these bumps on my stomach won’t go away so we have not done any treatment on it since then. That was the first and last time my stomach area was treated. This electrologist has worked on other parts of my body: chin, underarms, legs and those areas seem to heal much quicker without bumps like this. Is my stomach are going to heal or is this permanent scarring?

r u prone to keloid scaring?
If this’s the case, your therapist should have provided proper consultation for u.

There might be nothing wrong with therapist’s skill, but an individual with keloid is contraindication for electrolysis treatment.

No, so far I’ve never had a keloid. I have had hypertrophic scars but nothing that grew big like a keloid.

Have you observed any ingrown hairs? The bumps appear to have something in them raising up the skin. Can you gently open a couple with a sterile lancet and see what is inside the bump? Can you re-submit your photo without the porn attached below?

hypertrophic scarring is also contraindication for electrolysis treatment.

Hello, how is it now?