Is my skin being permanently damaged?

Hi everyone! ~OK, so I have really sensitive skin, …and while I LOVE my electrologist (she is such a sweetheart), I also just would like to be reassured that my skin will be fine in the long run, and that there’s no over-treatment going on which could lead to scarring. If it matters I am a mtf transsexual; In the past, I’ve tried a few laser treatments (the laser used was an Alexandrite, and I tolerated the laser well) in the hopes that it would get rid of the hair I so despise faster than electrolysis could, but was incredibly disappointed… My electrologist was the first person to tell me, I have a motley crew of hairs–lots of red and blonde ones (with some dark hairs thrown in) which as I later found out by properly doing my homework, lasers are not good at treating.

~I feel kinda guilty posting this, like I’m going behind my electrologist’s back or something… But on the other hand, I know its sensible to get a second opinion–and I also know there are several amazing electrologists on this forum that can either assuage my fears, or tell me if I do indeed have anything to be genuinely concerned about.

~Thanks to anyone who responds to this! ^^
Photobucket Electro Pics

And if we had been able to see your pictures, we may have been able to comment.

Wow, I’m sorry guys… I’ve never used photobucket before, and I just found out that when I would change something to public it would reset itself to the private default (apparently when you change a setting it doesn’t update as fast or as normally as one would think; you can’t log out quickly after making a change).

Anyway, this link should work:

I would not say that your skin condition is unheard of, but I would say that my clients do NOT look like that when we finish a day of treatment after 6 or more hours of work.

Thank you James for responding: I guess I can take that, as a ‘you’ll be fine’ confirmation? xD 6 hours, huh. Wow, usually I only go for one hour several times a month, so its pretty impressive that your clients skin can hold up so well! O.o If you were in the South Florida area I’d definitely want to see firsthand if that was even possible. Or If I had the money, I’d go to E3000–I’d assume with the emphasis placed on clearance that places like that use microflash or picoflash; (my electrologist only uses blend in her actual practice) so do some skin types simply tolerate different modalities better than others? Kinda curious.

Have you ever had electrolysis treatment from another practitioner?

No; I’ve only ever been to one electrologist.

It is a good idea to trial several operaters, in order to make comparisons on issues such as sensation and skin reaction. There is no need to have this amount of trauma, to the skin. Also, it would be a good idea to have treatment from someone who uses an apilus epilation unit, they are kinder to the skin. Do you have alternative practitioners in your area?

:frowning: I’ve gotten to know my electrologist pretty well and I would miss seeing her… But yes, it seems there are several practitioners very close by (btw, I know mine uses a Getronics unit). ~Thanks Christine.

I use to use a digital Gentronics years ago. It will do the job it is intended for, for as long as the practitioner is doing her part well and you are being consistent, which I think you are. It is hard to break away from someone you like personally, so you have to make that decision as to whether you sample others or stay with her. Always discuss what is on your mind with your electrologist. She see’s you in real time and can reassure you better than we can from far away.

You know, I’m not a professional of any kind but when I first started electrolysis my skin looked not unlike that. My electrologist told me I had really sensitive skin and it’s true, I do. I’m now 5 months into my treatment and my skin no longer reacts that severely. I’ll also say that except for the day of treatment (and sometimes the day after), my skin has never looked so good so I’m inclined to say that unless you mess with your skin, it’s going to be okay. My electrologist told me that she is hesitant to make recommendations about products and such because everyone seems to react very differently but two things that really seem to have made a big difference for me is to drink a lot of water (especially the day before treatment and the day of) and to reduce alcohol intake.