I went in for a consultation today for laser hair removal on my face. I’m a woman with PCOS (controlled with birth control pills and metformin) and have a coarse, dark, thick beard that started growing when most boys my age were rocking the pubestache. That, coupled with my pasty-white-can’t-ever-tan skin makes me a fantastic candidate for LHR, especially with the Alexandrite laser that she has. I know this all to be true from the research I did before even making the appointment. She’s the only laser technician within a 45 minute drive and, according to an old post from another forum, trained the other two closest techs. She’s been doing electrolysis for 25 years and laser since it came out, apparently. I’d rather not say her name before I make up my mind on this for fear of (prematurely) damaging her name and/or her googling herself but I will say that she is the immediate past president of the society for clinical and medical hair removal as found here
However, when I got there she told me that, in the case of hormone induced growth such as with PCOS, you need treatments every 4 weeks instead of 8-12; she also assured me that, even done every 4 weeks, 6 treatments would be all I need. I asked her if I’d want to come in every 4 weeks even if I hadn’t experienced any regrowth following my shedding and she said “absolutely, even if you can’t see it the hair is growing under the skin and that’s exactly when you want to target it.”
All of that ^ made me uneasy, but then she told me her prices. $300 per treatment or $667 for a package of 6 treatments. Bells started ringing in my head - $667 for 6 treatments, $111 per treatment. I left without scheduling an appointment because of my concerns with the information she gave me re: frequency but now I’m second guessing myself. If I were to do treatments elsewhere at the 8 week mark, $222 per treatment wouldn’t be all that bad… So even though I’m feeling somewhat scammy about all this, I’m starting to think that maybe it isn’t such a bad scam.
I guess I also have the option of buying the package deal and just scheduling appointments every 8 weeks against her wishes. I’m not sure how well that would go down with her though. That’s why I’m seeking advice here - I don’t want to end up confronting her about it at some point only to end up looking like an idiot… and if I buy a package from her… well, I don’t really want someone who’s zapping my face with a laser to be ticked off at me.
My other concern is that, in the fall, I’ll be going to school in Kalamazoo which is an hour and a half away from my current city. Obviously, if I get the package deal I’ll still have sessions left when I leave in August… so that’s a factor in all of this too. I’d be willing to make the drive (and she will be open on weekends, when I don’t have school) if this is a good idea but gas prices etc will have to factor in to my ultimate decision as well. What do you all think?