Happy new year to everyone!
I have a question. I got a little disappointed with laser on my armpits and bikini, not all the hairs shed, some didn’t shed because they are too light and those on the armpits I guess weren’t treated right because they’re black and coarse but there are still some left. I will get a retouch and hopefully my experience will become positive but this has made me wonder whether it’s even worth it to try laser for legs. I don’t need a complete clearance, I just want less stubble after I shave, so I was thinking of getting 2 or 3 treatments. However, I have noticed that my leg hair has become less dense with age and it is also way less noticeable. In the right lightening, I can see the hair is black and some hairs are kind of coarse but some are definitely not and I have patches with almost no hair or with very fine hair. my skin is type 2, very pale. So I’m starting to wonder if laser is worth it at all. Where I am right now, 1 laser treatment for whole legs would cost me as much as 3 or 4 hours of electrolysis, depending on the discounts I can get. So what do you think? Should I go straight to electrolysis where at least I know that every hair removed is forever gone and I don’t risk stimulated hair growth or is laser the wiser decision?