I’ve struggled with excessive body hair from probably the age of 12-13. I’m Indian, with very dark and and very coarse hair but my skin is quite light coloured, so the contrast is huge. I do some form of hair removal to most parts of my body but have decided that on others, I’m just not going to bother. Others being: my cheeks, chest, back, stomach, buttocks, etc. Probably, I do need it but I find it hard and time consuming enough to get rid of the hair on other parts of my body.
Anyway, the thing I’ve been wondering is, do most people find excessive hair actually that ugly? (I mean on others, not on our ourselves). I was always convinced that most people would find it revolting, which is why I try hard to remove it or hide myself.
The strange thing is, I don’t find it ugly on others. I mean it isn’t something I’d bother much about or I wouldn’t think anyone less attractive because they are hairy. I always thought though that I’m extremely tolerant. But maybe more people feel that way too? Maybe, I’m just being paranoid and hyper sensitive? (can you tell that I’m begging to hear a big, fat YES to this question?? )
Thinking back, actually very few people have told me that they find excessive hair ugly. I got teased quite a bit in school but those kids teased anyone about anything they could pick on, as in acne or for being fat, etc, not just hair. No one ever mentioned it again later but I just thought that grown-ups are more polite but are probably thinking silently how disgusting I look with all my hair.
It was never an issue with any boyfriend either. I did try to hide my hairiness from them, but of course couldn’t completely. But no one ever mentioned it or seemed put off by it. My husband now, doesn’t seem to care at all. When I ask him he tells me it’s not an issue. He actually even tries to encourage me to go swimming even when my hair is fully grown and a few cm long. I don’t do it of course but it’s nice to know that he doesn’t think it’s freaky. I’m looking at permanent hair removal options now and he encourages that but only because it would make ME happier and feel more confident.
Phew, sorry for the long post. I’m really just trying to clear my head. My question I guess is, if all of this is just wishful thinking? Have I been extremely lucky to have kind and considerate people in my life or could it actually be true that many people might not find excessive hair that ugly after all.