Is it ok to take a break from electrolysis?

I’ve been doing two hour elecctrolysis apts for about 5 months on a large area. I know I have a long road to go but I am wondering if it’s ok to take a break. If I stop treatments for lets say 2 months will this effect anything other than having to catch up on that time? I’m exhausted going to 2hour weekly apts and I know If I skip it for 2 months I will be re motivated and ready to go again.

Hi Llprincess,
Whatever hairs have been killed already, won’t come back if you take a break. That’s the most common misconception I hear from clients. So on that front nothing to worry about.
Depending on what method of hair removal you’ll use in the meantime (if any) and the body area, you might miss partial hair cycles. But all that this means is that your treatment will continue over longer period of time due to having to wait for these hairs to grow again.

I have tried to demonstrate it on these videos:

One thing to remember when you see hair repopulating the already treated area, is that this is another hair cycle that’s presenting and it is not “all hair coming back”!

What I find with people that decide to take a short break, though, is that, instead of becoming more motivated, they lose track of time and quite a few months pass, before they come back. So beware of that risk and take precaution by maybe booking your first appointment after the break at your last visit.

On the other hand, sometimes is nice to give the skin a bit of time to recover completely, and in some cases you see much sparser growth appearing which can be motivating.
Good luck!

Nice video’s, Geri . Thanks for sharing.

Five months is not enough time to feel good about what is possible with electrolysis results, especially for a large area.

If you take two months off, no harm done. Your time to completion will be be extended, but no big deal. Just get motivated again and get it finished. Don’t wait four or six months to reve up again.

This is a suggestion. Rather than take a complete break, consider having one hour every 3 to 4 weeks instead. Has the area had a total clearance yet? If not, at least you can keep the cleared areas clear, and still be progressing.