Is it normal reaction?

Hi, I got one session electrylosis on my back and upper arms . It has been three months but there are brown dots and little scars on my back and arms. Is it normal or should I stop getting electrylosis?

Everything looks normal (no scarring). You have temporary hyperpigmentation (brown dots) which is NOT the same as scarring and will fade away with time. Most clients are not prone to hyperpigmentation but some are.

This looks like acne and sun damage. Electrolysis would not cause this, but I would need to see your pre-pictures to assess what you had going on before you started electrolysis. Very strange indeed.

Hi sorry for answering late. Last week I got my 2nd session on my upper and lower back. My electrolysist says my skin is prone to hyperpigmentation and it will fade over time. My back skin used to look like this.

Last week I got my 2nd session now my skin looks like this.

Hi sorry for answering late. Last week I got my 2nd session on my upper and lower back. My electrolysist says my skin is prone to hyperpigmentation and it will fade over time. My back skin used to look like this.