hello, and thanks for this very informative site.
i’m looking for information about IPL/RF technology - i did try to find some previous threads on it, but haven’t located anything.
my situation is: my skin type is II, and all my life i’ve had light hair on my upper lip; it never bothered me until the last year or so, when some of it has started coming in darker (i guess it’s one of them Menopause Things.) i’m not happy tweezing, so i’m seeking a more permanent type of solution.
i felt like i’d prefer electrolysis, but the only place in my town that does it told me the hairs are too fine for that, and they said i should try IPL/RF instead. that place doesn’t have that technology, but i’ve located one that does (again there’s only one in my town). before i take the plunge i’d like to hear your input about how IPL/RF differs from plain IPL - what i should expect, whether there are any particular risks, whether it’s right that IPL/RF would be effective on hair that’s been deemed too light for plain IPL/laser and too fine for electrolysis, but dark enough to bother me.
or am i better off continuing to tweeze after all?
thanks for any insights - and/or if there older threads about this i’d be grateful for links to them. i have read your Laser FAQ sheet, but unless i’m missing something, it doesn’t go into what makes IPL/RF different from “plain old” IPL.