I love this forum. The information here is great. I just want to add my experience with IPL hair removal and photo rejuvenation…I love it!! So much, that I have opened up a small Medi-spa in Montreal Quebec Canada. I went for IPL 2 years ago and decided that I wanted to offer this service. It works great for acne, photo facial and the results are good for hair removal, I say it is effective hair reduction. I always do a test patch on all my clients and never promise miracles. I have clients fill out a medical questionnaire and will never do treatments on tanned or black skin. I want to provide a safe treatment for my clients and would never take a risk. I’m getting positive feedback from my clients. If anyone is looking for a hair removal or photo rejuvenation location in Montreal you can call me at 514-212-6012, I am located in the Plateau.