Hi everyone,
First a little background:
I started electrolysis on my upper lip and chin back in May 04 (thermolysis). I go now for touchups in this area (about 7 hairs need clearing every 2 weeks or so) plus a little work on sideburns. This past summer I wanted to start on my nipples, so I decided to go with a different electrologist—one I had tried last year when I first started on this journey. She came with recommendations and I did like her.
The treatment:
Microflash thermolysis. Apilus machine.
Visit #1 was for 30 mins and we nearly cleared everything, but the experience was not comfortable. She estimated that 70-80% of hairs were not in the growing stage (they had hard white root balls). Maybe that’s what made it so uncomfortable–the hairs didn’t come out easy.
Visit #2 was 15 mins, two weeks later. We cleared the rest out. (Oh, and unlike visit 1, the treatment was comfortable.)
After that, I’ve been going once every 3 weeks for 15 mins, though last week I had a major growth spurt and needed a whole half hour. Part of the problem is that the hairs are very coarse and very, very deep and I have got an ingrown hair problem that is ruining my life. I would be the biggest buzzkill on a Girls Gone Wild video right now.
She explained that the hairs can’t find their way to the surface, so I am putting Tend Skin on twice a day until, honestly, the skin around my nipples now looks shiny!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> Yet, I can still see these &^@$&^@# ingrowns under the skin. She also told me to gently rub the area with a washcloth under hot water to further exfoliate. I tried that only twice because that part of my body is feeling a little raw. I have been avoiding my boyfriend because I just feel a mess. It’s so bad that I’m actually thinking of stopping this treatment. Can anyone help?? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />