ingrownhair and rashes

hi wonder if anybody can help me.

i use tweezer on hair on my neck. i sometimes use hair removing cream too.

i get lumps on my neck which are similar to spots. they have puss in them like a spot and can look like black heads.

they last for weeks and are quite sore.

i sumtimes use hemmorroid cream to reduce the swelling.

does anybody know of any cream or lotion i can use to heal them? and what are they? how can i prevent them in future?

the spots are unsightly but i prefer them to black hair on my chin and neck.

any thoughts wud be greatly appreciated.

I take a needle and poke the skin , so that the hair comes out. I then pluck it out using a tweezer

They may be ingrown hairs, but those usually appear after several days once the hair actually has time to grow. If it’s immediate and pustular, then it may be a superficial staphlococcal infection called folliculitis (see my post above) and bactracin is a good bet.

Plucking usually causes these ingrown hair and rashes. You should try other methods of removing hair.

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