I’m in process of going through some of the infection control guidelines for electrolysis and I’m wondering about a few things.
Amoung the recommendations is the use of a pre and post treatment antiseptic. I’m wondering what people use for this? Specific products?
The guidelines I’m currently looking at are US based, but I’m wondering if anyone has a link to current canadian requirements?
Also, for sterilization I’m wondering what most folks are using as a method to accomplish this, especially on treatment instruments like tweezers. Autoclaves seem like the way to go, but as most of them go for $1500+ I’m betting some folks are using other methods? What comes recommended?
I dont see myself sterilizing alot of probes, but I do have a whole bunch of expired probes I got a while ago from a retiring electrolysist. Well expired some as long ago as 96, and mostly sealed, except for a couple boxes of laurier probes. Are there special considerations for this? I’m betting the packaging probably wouldnt survive autoclaving, should I just toss them all? I would think that the thin metal f the probbe might not put up well with the high temperatures involved in an autoclave?