This is an example of laser hair stimulation. This is a pre-picture. I had already worked on the upper part of her face, which was as bad as the lower part. This occurred about 8 weeks after she had laser reduction. Her hair problem was never this bad, until laser was done. She is 95% finished . She has had 36 hours and 10 minutes of electrolysis (PicoFlash) and 28,137 insertions have been done to this date .
I will post another picture when I see her this Friday. She would have been finished by now, but there was tweezing done in between appointments and some micro-managing on which hairs to treat and which hairs to ignore and not allowing full clearance every time, which hampered me getting her finished much sooner.
I don’t recommend laser reduction on women’s faces. I have seen many cases like this young woman’s disaster . I have asked several laser specialists if they caution women BEFORE they treat their faces, that this could happen and invariably, they all tell me, that laser does not cause this. I’m absolutely puzzled. The clients says laser did cause this.