Increasing recovery time as my electrolysis progresses - is this normal?

I started electrolysis in October of last year to remove hair on my chin and lip. I have been tweezing for years and am so excited to FINALLY take care of this problem once and for all.

So far, I’ve had 9 1-hour sessions, typically two weeks apart. Recovery after the first 4 sessions was very easy – every so often I would get a postule or two that would clear up after 2-3 days. Beyond that, I looked pretty much like I always do - no real redness, swelling, etc. Also, I will say that there was very little pain/sensation when doing those initial treatments. Every so often there would be a popping sound or a little tug when the hair was removed, and the lip area would occasionally feel like a bee sting, but other than that it was pretty comfortable overall.

In December, I had a session that was somewhat uncomfortable – I could feel the current (? for lack of better word maybe?) each time. After that session, I had a terrible reaction. I honestly couldn’t believe it. Blisters, 24 hrs of yellow oozing (day 2), swelling… all over the place. I started applying antibiotic cream and this took about 7 days to clear up enough that I didn’t feel self conscious. After about 2 weeks, I looked normal except for some slight redness. I showed my electrolysist pictures and we talked about it. From that point on, she has been applying iodine to my skin before starting as a precaution.

From that point on, I’ve been super careful after sessions, applying antibiotic cream for a few days, keeping my face meticulously clean, NO makeup on the area for 3-5 days until bumps have subsided, etc. but still… I’ve had two sessions since that December one. I haven’t had a repeat of the oozing blisters, but after both of the sessions I’ve had these things happen:

  • I continue to feel the treatment a lot more than I did initially. Maybe I’m focusing on it more or maybe it’s perfectly normal, I don’t know, but I feel a poke followed by a “bee sting”. There are usually 10+ “pops” during the treatment. I also often (not always) feel a tug when the hair comes out. It’s not a hard tug, but it’s a tug. I don’t know that this (the tug) is any different than in the beginning.

  • In areas where a lot of electrolysis was done (side of chin), I get one very large, hard swollen lump that encompasses the entire area. This last time, it was approx 1.5" wide and .75" tall (i.e. entire side chin area). It’s tight and takes 1-2 days to subside.

  • When that swelling subsides, the little mosquito like hard bumps are there. They are also on the lip area if it was worked on. The take a long time to go away. They gradually get smaller, but as I write this I am on Day 4 after my most recent treatment and I still feel and see them.

  • Generally speaking, I feel like I can count on 4-7 days until I look normal and even then there is some redness.

  • And, lastly, this is just a general question for the pros on here: when you are doing electrolysis around the chin/lip, are you able to work when your client is talking? I find that the electrolysist often talks to me during treatment, asking questions, etc and continues working as I answer.

Like so many others who write in these forums, I’m worried about longterm effects – pitting, scarring, etc. Is my recovery experience normal? My mom had electrolysis at least 15 years ago and I don’t remember her ever having this kind of recovery. This is my first personal experience with electrolysis, my electrolysis is very highly rated but is relatively new to the field. I’d appreciate opinion and advice from the experts here.

**Edited to note that the pictures are of my most recent session and not of the December one detailed at the start of this post. So these pictures seem to be my “new normal” for recovery as I’ve had this same sort of recovery the past two sessions.

1 day after the session. The whitish patch on front of chin is the very hard, tight swollen area. Lip also quite swollen.

2 days after session. Still swelling in that area. Bumps getting bigger. Some scabbing (not too big).

3 days after session. Very bumpy. Have a little bit of flaking and peeling. Itchy, etc. Bumps are also up in lip area. Basically everywhere electrolysis is done.

4 days after session. Still have some bumps and quite a bit of redness.

bump :slight_smile:

I hope you don’t mind me being honest! Usually when I see a post of this length, I don’t read it. In this case, I did. Because of your “bump!”

You have asked more than 15 important questions … and each one would require a lengthy explanation to satisfy each point. I think you should talk directly to your electrologist about these issues. She is working with you, and can easily answer your questions. These are common questions/problems.

If you take the time to read and watch, most of your questions have already been answered on my Youtube channel and website. The information is already available. Look at the index, and select the appropriate video, and download (free) the booklets on skin healing.
Start working on it:

Did you ever fix this issue? I have the same issue :frowning:

Hi Zack,

I haven’t had a repeat of the terrible recovery where I had a lot of oozing and large scabs, but I can still count on quite a bit of swelling and redness the first 24 hours, followed by another 2-3 days of mosquito-like bumps and tiny scabs. The redness lasts a week or so. I schedule an hour appt every three weeks now to give myself time to recover and make sure I can “stay in” and away from people at least the first 24-48 hrs just in case.

My electrolysist has me applying Cortaid before and after my appointment and I’m meticulous about washing my face, no makeup and a thin layer of the cortaid or an antibiotic cream for several days after until the bumps go away. I don’t know why I had such an easy time of it my first several appointments and then recovery seemed to get harder all of the sudden.

I still feel tugs sometimes as the hairs are removed - and there seems to be some debate on this site about if that is ok or not. I asked my electrolysist about that and she says my hairs have “hooks” which make some feel like a tug. I am a long time tweezer - maybe that’s why?

Hope that info helps.

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Hi Lindy,

Thank you for the response! The info kind of helps but I’m referring to the bumps, are they scars or…? Because I also have these same bumps but I don’t know whether they are scars or some sort of temporary blister? It’s been months now & I still have these bumps. Is your skin clear now?

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My bumps do clear up after a few days. So far I’m not seeing any long term issues. I believe it’s just irritation of the follicle.

I have these too but I’m only about 10 days out so hopefully with time and patience they will go away, if your still on here let me know how yours are now